Programme And Module Handbook
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Module Title LM Marketing in Emerging Markets
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Birmingham Business School
Module Code 07 21333
Module Lead Michel Goyer
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LM International Marketing - (07 16419)
Restrictions Available as an elective to students who specialise in International Marketing
Description The module will address common and specific issues of marketing in emerging markets. It will study consumer behaviour, marketing strategies and approaches and marketing mix in view of regional specificity. The content will cover aspects of the marketing environment, market growth and dynamics, context specific marketing strategies, consumer segmentation in emerging markets, marketing strategies for less affluent consumers, product and branding, pricing, promotional and distribution strategies for emerging markets. Moreover, special attention will be given to market liberalization and foreign market servicing and marketing strategies of global and local players.
Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the diversity of emerging markets and their differences from developed markets;
  • identify and analyse  the complexities of marketing strategies and operations in emerging markets;
  • critically evaluate the need for specific approaches to different consumer segments in emerging markets;
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of regional and cultural challenges to marketing in emerging markets.
Assessment 21333-01 : Assignment : Coursework (70%)
21333-02 : Presentation : Presentation (30%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Individual assignment, 3000 words (70%) Group presentation (30%)
Reading List