Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI History of the English Language
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Eng Lang and Linguistics
Module Code 09 22445
Module Lead Amanda Patten
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-10 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-20 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This course is designed to introduce students to the historical development of the English Language. It provides an overview of English from its origins up to the present day, including changes in words and the meanings of words, grammatical behaviour, and pronunciation. We consider the interaction between language variation and change and societal developments, including ideas of standards and purity in language as well as the impact of technology. Students will be instructed in the exploration, analysis, and description of language from a historical perspective.
Learning Outcomes Both semesters allow students opportunities to work together with others and give students opportunities to develop their research skills. By the end of the module the student should be able to:
  • show an appreciation of the main stages of the development of English;
  • analyse and describe the principal characteristics of texts from each of these stages.
  • show an understanding of the main issues arising from the development of the English language, such as spelling, lexical innovation and so on;
  • apply this understanding to the current developments in the language arising from these issues.
Assessment 22445-01 : Assignment One - Report : Coursework (75%)
22445-02 : Assignment Two - Presentation : Presentation (25%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: 2500-word essay (75%) and 5 minute presentation (25%)

Failed component only
2500-word essay (75%)
5 minute presentation, which can be submitted as a recording (25%)
Reading List