Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LM Advanced Project
SchoolSchool of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Department Earth and Environ Sciences
Module Code 03 23147
Module Lead Richard Butler
Level Masters Level
Credits 60
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-4 hours
Seminar-19 hours
Project supervision-10 hours
Guided independent study-567 hours
Total: 600 hours
Description The Advanced Project represents an opportunity for students to consolidate and demonstrate their geological knowledge after three years of study. It is an independent research project that will deliver training in project execution and presentation at a high level, helping to equip students for post-University life. There is flexibility in the choice of projects, depending in part on the student's background and particular areas of interest. Training will be given in any specialised techniques necessary to complete the project. Supervisors will have ideas and lists of suitable projects but there is scope, and encouragement, for students to develop their own projects based on internships and their own contacts from industry. All projects involve components of design, planning, data collection, interpretation and presentation. This may involve fieldwork, laboratory studies, library research, industrial placement, or a combination of these elements. The ultimate goal is to produce publication-quality research and conference-quality oral presentations.


Three lectures delivered as part of the module will cover primarily module logistics, including an introduction to the module, oral presentations, and project write-up. An optional lecture on PhD opportunities and applications will also be offered to those interested in using the module as a springboard to a research career.


Two seminars on approaches to scientific enquiry, including general theoretical elements and specific discussion of hypothesis development and testing, drawing on recent scientific advances as examples and linking to the early stages of students’ MSci projects.
Two seminars on science communication, considering different audiences and formats for reporting research results, linking both to MSci projects and assessments in this module. One seminar (formatively assessed) where each student gives short 3 min elevator pitch (i.e. aimed at general public) on their own MSci project.
Presentations to peers (summatively assessed) on research projects (students are expected to attend all these; nominally 4 hours, but dependent on number of students).

External seminars

Students are also expected to attend at least 10 x 1 hour seminars (Earth Science seminars, School Seminars, Lapworth lectures and similar) over the course of the academic year and to keep a brief record of this attendance.

Project supervision

Students will have on average, around 10 contact hours with their project supervisors over the course of the academic year. These contact hours are not timetabled, and should be arranged by the student.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Collect, analyse and interpret with a high degree of initiative, creativity and independence primary and secondary data.
  • Present the results of an independent geological research project to a professional standard that is of the same quality as industry and academia would expect.
Assessment 23147-01 : Report : Coursework (90%)
23147-02 : Presentation : Presentation (10%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Oral presentation to peers (10%);
Written report with word limit of 13,000 words (90%).
Reading List