Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Special Subject Studio Composition
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Music
Module Code 10 23478
Module Lead Scott Wilson
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions This module cannot be taken with LH Independent Study Studio Composition (10 22644)
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Tutorial-20 hours
Total: 40 hours
Description This module builds on and consolidates techniques and knowledge acquired at levels C and I, focusing on advanced techniques for processing and composing with electroacoustic sound. Emphasis is given to live techniques for the generation and control of electroacoustic sound, both as a means for fixed media composition, and as a practice in its own right. Advanced techniques for interactive and algorithmic music making (e.g. using SuperCollider or similar tools) and sound synthesis are introduced. Guided reading and listening, along with discussion of compositional and aesthetic issues, informs the learning process. This is aided by required attendance at BEAST events in Birmingham and at weekly MiniBEAST sessions. Students keep a diary of these events consisting of critical notes and reflection on the works presented. In the second part of the module, attention shifts to the composition of individual pieces by each student. To support this, individual tutorials with the class tutor focus on the specific material and compositional ideas of each student. This module cannot be taken with LH Independent Study Studio Composition (10 22644)Prerequisite: Successful completion of LI Studio Composition, normally with a mark of at least 60.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module the student should be able to:
  • Demonstrate fluency in the use of the computer systems and software available in the studios.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of advanced techniques for electronic music including the use of live and interactive systems and environments.
  • Demonstrate original and sensitive use of musical resources in compositional work, and an awareness of how the student’s work relates to the wider field.
  • Produce a substantial portfolio of work which demonstrates imagination and technical competency.
  • Demonstrate an ability to undertake compositional projects with a high level of independence.
Assessment 23478-01 : Portfolio : Log Book/ Portfolio (95%)
23478-03 : Listening Diary : Coursework (5%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

95% composition portfolio, comprising 9-14' music or pro rata down to not fewer than 5-8' music plus other work (analysis, composer study, etc) up to 5,000-6,000 words. The portfolio may consist of fixed media work, live performances, or both, and may include supporting evidence such as plans, tables, analysis and conceptual ideas.
5% Diary on MiniBEAST/BEAST events, assigned and independent reading and listening max. 1500 words.

Reassessment: n/a (Final Year module)
Reading List