Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title Research Methods
SchoolSchool of Health Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Module Code 02 24139
Module Lead Nutmeg Hallett
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Co-requisites LH Assessment, Diagnostics and Decision-Making in Complex Adult Nursing - (02 33195)
LH Assessment, Diagnostics and Decision-Making in Complex Mental Health Nursing - (02 33197)
LH Leading and Managing Nursing Practice - (02 33199)
LH Assessment, Diagnostics and Decision-Making in Complex Children's Nursing - (02 33198)
Restrictions Bachelor of Nursing programme, Year 3 students only
Contact Hours Lecture-35 hours
Project supervision-5 hours
Guided independent study-360 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description Students on this module will develop the skills needed to produce a systematised literature review or a project report, relevant to nursing practice. Students will learn through lectures and with the support and guidance of a research supervisor who will support and advise on choosing a topic of relevance to nursing practice. Students will then either: i) conduct a review from an evidence-based practice perspective, devise and implement a systematic search strategy and undertake a critical review of the body of research; or ii) conduct a project that makes use of research skills, using justified and appropriate methods. They are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the research process and ethics, and the ability to consider the impact of quality on health and social care research.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Justify choice of topic and its relevance to health and social care. (Dissertation [BNurs]/Assignment [MNurs])
  • Justify and apply appropriate research methods to achieve a stated aim/answer a research question. (Dissertation [BNurs] / Assignment [MNurs])
  • Appraise the quality and consider the ethics of research employed to address health and social care issues. (Dissertation [BNurs] / Assignment [MNurs])
  • Draw logical and justifiable conclusions based on inquiry or evidential findings. (Dissertation [BNurs] / Assignment [MNurs])
  • Apply evidence to health and social care practice. (Dissertation [BNurs] / Assignment [MNurs])
Assessment 24139-01 : Dissertation - 8000 words : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Systematised literature review OR Project report 8,000 words (100%)


Systematised literature review OR Project report 8,000 words (100%)
Reading List