Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LH The Sixties
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Music
Module Code 09 24205
Module Lead Andrew Kirkman
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-20 hours
Total: 20 hours
Description People are still talking about the legacy of the 1960s. For some, this was a golden age, the greatest decade in living memory, a time of political people-power, free expression, and free love; for others it was a pit of ill discipline and moral degradation. One thing is sure: ripples of the era’s influence continue to this day. Equally certainly, however one views the ’60s, everyone agrees that music played a major role in encoding and transmitting its cultural message. Using close readings, along with musical and video examples, this module will explore the music at the ‘sharp end’ of ’60s culture: the music that embodied its various messages and, for better or worse, immortalized them. On that account the emphasis is inevitably on folk and popular music, though we will also address concert music and jazz. By the end we will all at least have carefully considered, if not perhaps answered, the question as to whether there is such a thing as quintessentially ‘sixties music,’ and what, if anything, binds together its various manifestations.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a broad knowledge of popular and art music of the 1960s together with in-depth knowledge of certain aspects and facets
  • Describe and evaluate with nuance and sophistication the impact on this music of major developments in the historical, political and social spheres.
  • Cite and, where appropriate, analyse, specific and suitable pieces of music as examples in support of their commentaries and evaluations.
  • Demonstrate an ability to produce assessed work independently employing appropriate resources, literature, and techniques.
  • Demonstrate an ability to undertake independent research by using primary sources and bibliographical tools, as appropriate
Assessment 24205-04 : Research Project : Coursework (40%)
24205-05 : 8 x Short assignments : Coursework (20%)
24205-06 : 1 Presentation : Presentation (30%)
24205-07 : Abstract : Coursework (10%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1 x 2500-word research project (40%);
1 x abstract (approx. 300 words) (10%);
9 x weekly short assignments (20%);
1 x 15 minute in-class group presentation (30%).

No resits are permitted in final year. If students miss the assessed task owing to extenuating circumstances, the failed task would be rescheduled at a later date. The group presentation would be re-assessed by a 15-minute individual presentation.
Reading List