Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Professional Development
SchoolCOS - College Hub
Department COS - College Hub
Module Code 08 25676
Module Lead Professor David Cutts and Sarah Tasker
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions Students will not be permitted to take this module where some other form of assessed professional development module already forms part of the curriculum, or where they elect to take an MOMD in their final year.
Contact Hours Supervised time in studio/workshop-18 hours
Guided independent study-142 hours
Placement-40 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description Through the provision of an assessed placement, the aim of this module is to provide students with a learning experience which will help them to bridge the gap between their current academic life at Birmingham and the future professional life post-graduation. As such, it seeks to make available to all students an opportunity that is already available on some programmes. For the purposes of this module, the concept of placement is broadly defined and may include such things as paid summer internships, unpaid voluntary work or research support activity within students’ own department. The only requirements are for the student to spend a minimum of 40 hours in the placement itself, and that the type of placement be such that the student is capable of meeting the learning objectives of the module. As part of the experience students will be required to reflect on their respective strengths and weaknesses in an employment context, identify potential areas for personal and professional development and reflect (a) on what they have learnt about themselves upon their return from their placement and (b) what they have been able to achieve whole out working in their organisation. Students taking this module will be supported through a series of workshops which will help them to prepare for the placement and meet its academic objectives.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Undertake a critical audit of their skills and capabilities for their professional career.
  • Identify the key areas requiring improvement.
  • Articulate a coherent strategy for closing this ‘skills/capabilities gap’.
  • Critically evaluate the relative success of this strategy post-placement.
  • Demonstrate an ability to relate work practices to a discrete body of academic literature
Assessment 25676-10 : 2000-word Self-Reflective Journal : Coursework (50%)
25676-11 : 2000-word Workbased Project : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 2,000 word self-reflective diary (50%) plus 2,000 word work-based project (50%)
Reading List