Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Philosophy of Mathematics
SchoolPhil, Theology and Religion
Department Philosophy
Module Code 09 26094
Module Lead Simone Picenni
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites LI Logic: Its Limits + Scope - (08 26792)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-8 hours
Guided independent study-172 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module is an introduction to the central concepts, themes, and figures in philosophy of mathematics. We begin with a survey of the logical and mathematical notions presupposed in the main debates. We then study the most influential “isms” in this field: logicism, formalism, intuitionism, structuralism, realism, empiricism, and nominalism. The last lecture of the module provides an overview of recent controversies, focusing on the philosophy of set theory. The reading of primary sources will also give us the opportunity to become familiar with key historical thinkers such as Frege, Hilbert, Carnap, Gödel, Heyting, and Dummett.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • demonstrate understanding of the main theories and arguments covered in the module
  • critically engage with and evaluate these theories and arguments
  • construct arguments of their own defending and/or attacking these views and arguments
  • present such arguments clearly and concisely in short essay format as part of the in-class exam
Assessment 26094-01 : 3000 word Essay : Coursework (50%)
26094-02 : In Class Exam : Class Test (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:

1 x 1 hour in-class exam (50%)


1 x 3000 word essay (50%)


Resubmission of failed component, if this results in failure of the module as a whole.
Reading List