Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title Biomedical Sciences
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Module Code 02 26338
Module Lead Mrs N. Ling-Mountford
Level Certificate Level
Credits 30
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions Restricted to students enrolled on BSc Dental Hygiene and Therapy
Contact Hours Lecture-68 hours
Tutorial-8 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-3 hours
Guided independent study-221 hours
Total: 300 hours
Description The Biomedical Sciences module provides the student with a general understanding of the normal structure and function of the whole body as well as those specific to oral and dental biology. It provides a framework on which to build the knowledge of the structure and function of teeth and associated tissues and organs. In addition, it affords an introduction to the biomedical sciences and the concept of cell structure, anatomy and physiology, including nutrition and genetics. The Biomedical Sciences module is designed to provide preparatory knowledge in these subject areas and where appropriate a more in depth knowledge, particularly the physiological and biochemical concepts relevant to the mouth. This module supports and underpins other components in the programme, such as the study of oral diseases.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in anatomy and physiology of the human body, particularly the development of human deciduous and permanent dentitions, the eruption of teeth and resorption of deciduous teeth and of tooth anomalies.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of those aspects of the biomedical sciences and in particular of oral physiology and craniofacial, oral and dental anatomy which are essential to the management and treatment of their patients.
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge and understanding of cell biology including cellular structure and the function of human tissues and organs.
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the head and neck, including bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and lymphatics, which are relevant to the clinical practice of the dental hygienist and therapist.
  • Identify all the teeth in the permanent and deciduous dentition including various methods of nomenclature and charting.
Assessment 26338-01 : Written Examinations : Exam (School Arranged) - Mixed (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:


Open book: Written assessment: General Anatomy and Physiology - Biomedical Science
50% of total module assessment.
Pass mark 50%
Closed Book Written assessment Regional Anatomy and Physiology - Biomedical Science 50% of total module assessment
Pass mark 50%

Each part must be passed independently.


Open book: Written assessment: Introduction to Biomedical Science
50% of total module assessment.
Pass mark 50%
Closed Book Written assessment Regional Biomedical Science 50% of total module assessment
Pass mark 50%

Each part must be passed independently.
Other None
Reading List