Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LM Extended Research Project
SchoolSchool of Bioscience
Department School of Biosciences
Module Code 03 26435
Module Lead Dr. Damon Huber
Level Masters Level
Credits 80
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-7 hours
Seminar-3 hours
Supervised time in studio/workshop-450 hours
Guided independent study-340 hours
Total: 800 hours
Description A laboratory or field based project will be undertaken under the supervision of a member of staff. This will provide first hand experience of how new scientific information is acquired and assimilated into the existing body of scientific knowledge. An in depth literature search will be undertaken and this will be written up as the Introduction to the project report. The student will carry out practical techniques used for research in Biosciences and will present the results obtained in accordance with scientific conventions. An extended report will be prepared at the end of the research period, and an assessed oral presentation of the work made. The student will also have an oral examination.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Use the relevant literature regarding the specific research topic
  • Conduct independent research, designing and organising experiments, including controls .
  • Demonstrate laboratory-based technical skills and use them to generate information about specific scientific problem.
  • Make full and appropriate use of information technology .
  • Collect, record, analyse and interpret data, present results in written form and integrate them into the existing knowledge base.
  • Present some aspects of the work in an oral presentation.
  • Demonstrate their understanding of the project in an oral examination
Assessment 26435-09 : Lab Performance : Coursework (20%)
26435-10 : Viva : Coursework (20%)
26435-11 : Project Report : Coursework (60%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:
Supervisor's assessment of performance in the laboratory (20%) Project Report (60%)
Oral examination (20%)
Reassessment is not available for modules taken in the final year of an undergraduate programme.
Extenuating Circumstances impacting on coursework or in year assessment will normally be dealt with by an extension being granted where appropriate to the date for submission or completion of the piece(s) of work affected.
Reading List