Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title Year 5 Student Assistantship
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 01 26716
Module Lead Prof Alice Turner
Level Honours Level
Credits 0
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Description All medical students who remain in the UK after graduation will begin their medical career as a Foundation Grade doctor. The transition from being medical students to foundation doctors can be a cause for considerable anxiety, and one for which students will not have invested enough practical thought, as they will, right until the final examinations be engaged in learning that helps them pass the MBChB, rather than specifically focussing on learning for their first job. This component takes place after the final exams, and pairs students with foundation doctors to allow the students the opportunity to gain a good insight into the role of the foundation doctor, but also to give the student the opportunity to reflect on their preparedness for the role, and to engage in any learning or practical skills development, which may not have been covered sufficiently for the individual student during the MBChB.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the component students should be able to:
  • Describe how they have made the most of the opportunity to identify and then undertake any learning they have felt necessary prior to beginning their first foundation job;
  • Describe the role of the foundation doctor and outline fully their responsibilities;
  • Describe the teams and professionals that foundation doctors commonly work with and outline their functions;
  • Undertake with increasing competence the range of tasks required of a foundation doctor;
  • Reflect on the nature of finally being responsible for patient care;
  • Describe how the departments of the hospital that a foundation doctor commonly liaises with are organised and discuss how best to manage a good working relationship with them;
  • Discuss the foundations doctors role in both admitting and discharging patients from hospital.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions None – engagement only is required
Other None
Reading List