Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title LI Logic: Its Limits + Scope
SchoolPhil, Theology and Religion
Department Philosophy
Module Code 08 26792
Module Lead Simone Picenni
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Pre-requisites LC Philosopher's Toolkit A - (09 33081)
Restrictions None
Description Is there any way to make a mathematics of reasoning? If so, what would it look like? What would be its scope, and what would be its limits? One set of questions concern the extent to which we can adequately represent the subtleties of natural language reasoning in a regimented, mathematical language. Another is whether we can make a system which gives all and only the right results. We will see that we can accomplish much of what we would hope to, but not all of it.

The module deals with two main formal systems, sentential logic and predicate logic. After introducing the formal languages, we characterize the logical notions of interpretation, entailment, and deducibility relative to each system. We then investigate how these notions are related, proving some fundamental metatheoretic results. In particular, we prove that both systems are sound and complete. Towards the end of the module, we will have the opportunity to discuss additional metatheoretic results, such as the incompleteness theorems.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • - formalize English sentences in propositional and first-order logical notation;
  • outline the proof of the soundness and completeness theorems for propositional logic and first-order logic;
  • manifest improvement in general philosophical and mathematical skills.
Assessment 26792-01 : In Class Exam : Class Test (50%)
26792-02 : CT Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:

1 x 110 minute in-class exam (50%) and 1 x 2 hour centrally-timetabled exam (50%).


1 x 110 minute in-class exam (50%) and 1 x 2 hour centrally-timetabled exam (50%).
Reading List