Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LH Dissertation in English Literature
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department English Literature
Module Code 09 27043
Module Lead Asha Rogers
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Project supervision-2 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-2 hours
Guided independent study-386 hours
Total: 400 hours
  • During semester 2 of their second year students will attend an induction talk and be asked to complete an Initial Proposal Form.
  • Students will then be attached to one of the Department’s Research Centres to allow them to discuss and develop their initial proposal with an academic member of staff.
  • Final supervisor allocations will take place during the summer term.
  • Students will be offered a combination of one-to-one supervisions and larger group research skills lecture-workshops across the year.
  • Students across the School ought normally expect to receive a minimum of four half-hour supervisions across the academic year, one of those supervisions normally falling in one half of each semester
  • Students will attend a course of ten group research skills lecture-workshops during their final year.
  • Supervisions will be linked to specific formative assignments, outlined below in “Opportunities for Formative Assessment”
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • undertake a thorough synthesis and review of the material available on the area of study.
  • demonstrate a thorough familiarity with the conventions of scholarly presentation and referencing;
  • conduct independent research through self-formulated questions and tasks;
  • organise relevant information to establish an appropriate and persuasive written argument;
  • apply their understanding of critical, analytic and creative approaches to produce knowledge;
  • use independent and self-reflective critical judgement;
  • develop working relationships with others, especially through constructive dialogue (for example, by listening, asking and responding to questions)
Assessment 27043-01 : Assignment : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 10,000 word dissertation (100%)

Reassessment: Resubmission of failed component(s)
Reading List