Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LC Object and Medium 2: Photography, Film, Performance and Installation
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Art Hist, Cur and Vis Studies
Module Code 10 27109
Module Lead Dr Kate Ince
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LC Object + Medium 1: Paintings, Drawings, Prints, Sculptures - (10 27106)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Guided independent study-180 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module gives a thorough introduction to the various techniques and processes used in the production of photographs, films, performance and installation art. It also considers the meaning of ‘place’ in shaping the meaning and function of art, examining the film theatre and the settings of exhibitions and installations of twentieth century and contemporary Emphasis is given to the study of galleries and collections in Birmingham, such as the MAC and IKON.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a broad understanding of the principal materials and processes employed in the production of photographs, films, performance and installation art.
  • Identify the media in which specific artworks have been executed.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of the placing and display of artworks on their meaning and function.
  • Analyse visual material and draw reasoned deductions based on visual evidence.
Assessment 27109-01 : Essay : Coursework (50%)
27109-02 : Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments: 1 x 2000 word essay + 1 x 1.5 hour exam (50% each)
Alternative method of assessment for Exchange Students: an essay of comparable scope (2,000 words) to replace the exam.
Reassessment: failed components are resubmitted.
Reading List