Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title Understanding Ancient Societies
SchoolHistory and Cultures
Department Classics, AH and Archaeology
Module Code 09 27278
Module Lead Dr Gareth Sears
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description This module examines literary and non-‘literary’ texts to understand ancient societies beyond the carefully constructed outputs of canonical elite writers. It will consider approaches to a range of writing types potentially including: epigraphy of all types; numismatics; seals; clay tablets; ostraca and papyri. It will look at the relatively un-mediated presentations of powerholders on monumental inscriptions, coins and political documents. It will look at state organisation through inscribed laws and organisational texts. It will consider non-elites through such texts as funerary stele, altars and devotional objects. It will look at everyday writing on material culture and in the street – vases, paintings and graffiti and in doing so will consider literacy and who could read these texts.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Understand the problems of using inscriptions and literary texts to answer questions about the ancient world;
  • Research on a variety of types of written material and what they can tell us about the social, religious and political structures of the ancient world;
  • Synthesise their reading of primary material with academic arguments about the source types and ancient cultures;
  • Present their research and knowledge in a coherent way.
Assessment 27278-01 : 1,500 word essay : Coursework (33%)
27278-02 : 2,500 word essay : Coursework (67%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
1 x 1500 word essay (33%) and 1x 2500 word essay (67%)

Resubmission of failed element(s)
Other None
Reading List