Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LC Prose
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department English Literature
Module Code 09 27933
Module Lead Oliver Herford
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-20 hours
Guided independent study-160 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module introduces students to a range of styles and stylistic devices that constitute writing in prose. They will explore how a variety of authors across a wide historical and geographical spectrum think about prose as a literary medium distinct from, but interacting with, other forms of writing, such as poetry. Time will be spent analysing how prose works and the different grammatical and rhetorical devices it employs as well as thinking about the modes of writing with which it has become associated (e.g. the novel and short story, essay writing, confessional memoir and prose-poem). Students will be introduced to a diverse field of critical approaches and will practice writing clear and thoughtful sentences and paragraphs of their own in order to develop their academic prose style.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of core literary critical approaches to prose written in English;
  • Identify a range of structural, formal and narrative features of prose written in English;
  • Analyse, closely and critically, examples of prose written in English from across a wide range of historical contexts.
Assessment 27933-01 : 1000 Word assessment -1 : Coursework (30%)
27933-02 : 2000 Word Assessment -2 : Coursework (70%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Portfolio, 1,000 word (30%)

Essay 2,000 words (70%)

Reassessment: Resubmission of failed component(s)
Other None
Reading List