Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title International Marketing
SchoolEducational Enterprise
Department Wiley
Module Code 07 28077
Module Lead Chelsea Harfield
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description The International Marketing module provides an introduction to the nature of marketing and explains how the marketing function fits within the global organisation overall. The module also looks at how actors outside the core marketing function have a role in, and engage in marketing activity.

The module aims to provide a critical and systematic understanding of theory and practice in marketing. Insights into the relationship between marketing and strategy, marketing and the customer, marketing and operations and marketing and the brand will emerge from service, manufacturing, technological and consumer product perspectives. The module will trace the development and application of marketing theory embracing the experiences of FMCG approaches, through to global business to business and marketing relationships and by critically identifying theoretical synergies which underpin marketing decision making.

The module will show students the broad scope of marketing activity and will establish an understanding of the core concepts underlying the field.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the nature of organizational customers and consumers.
  • Analyse the variety of marketing strategy orientations, evaluate an existing marketing situation and appraise the potential marketing strategies for an organization.
  • Critically analyse global market environments from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives and demonstrate how the global business environment impacts on marketing strategy in both business and consumer contexts.
  • Identify sources of competitive advantage within organisations using evidence-based knowledge in consumer and business markets.
  • Appraise and synthesize theoretical approaches to identify and analyse marketing problems and implement solutions.
  • Demonstrate a critical knowledge and understanding of the ways in which marketing tools and techniques impact on the marketing planning process to further the development of marketing strategy.
  • Complete a market audit / analysis and write a marketing plan.
Assessment 28077-04 : Group Assignment : Coursework (20%)
28077-06 : Final Assignment : Coursework (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Group assignments (1500 words in total) – 20%
Individual assignments (3000 words in total) - 80%
Other None
Reading List