Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Current Research in Neuroscience 2
SchoolSchool of Psychology
Department School of Psychology
Module Code 03 28756
Module Lead Jonathan Lee
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description The module aims to introduce students to cutting edge research in Neuroscience. As Neuroscience is a contemporary and fast-moving field, it is important that students have a sound grounding in the basics, but are also conscious of current trends in both research questions and technological advances. This is best served by exposing students to research seminars by UoB or visiting academics.

Students are expected to engage with the following questions:
  • The motivation behind research
  • Clarity of hypotheses
  • Suitability of research methodology in relation to the research question
  • Interpretation of data in the context of the aims of the study.
The development of these academic skills will be especially useful for the H-Level research project.

In addition, students will be expected to evaluate presentation skills, as a complement to the development of their own presentation skills.

Overview of the module:
  • An introductory lecture to instruct students about seminar selection, attendance and assessments.
  • Seminars will provide an overview of current research in neuroscience. The seminars will give an overview on current theoretical debates and methodologies.
  • Students are expected to attend 10 seminars, of which they select 3, upon which to base their reports.
  • Feedback on summative assessment will take place in brief tutorials (individual or group).
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a broad knowledge of current research in psychology.
  • Understand the current theoretical debates.
  • Understand the methodologies employed in current research.
Assessment 28756-01 : Report 1 : Coursework (33%)
28756-02 : Report 2 : Coursework (33%)
28756-03 : Report 3 : Coursework (34%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Three 750-word reports on each of three different seminars (33%; 33% & 34% weighting)

Reassessment: Examination (1.5 hr) to include research material (e.g. talk outline or slides) from two presentations. Students will be required to write a summary and critical comparative evaluation of the two presentations.
Other None
Reading List