Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Learning Entrepreneurial Skills
SchoolLiberal Arts & Natural Science
Department Liberal Arts & Natural Science
Module Code 08 28917
Module Lead Shelley Budgeon/Diana Spencer
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites LI Interdisciplinarity II - (08 31539)
Restrictions Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences
Description This module is a new initiative to deepen the engagement of final year students with the enterprise agenda, encouraging them to think about how they can develop enterprising behaviours, mind-sets and skills, and to examine and participate within the relationship between being enterprising and entrepreneurship. For this 20 credit option, students will be introduced to the principles of becoming an enterprising individual and progress to developing their entrepreneurial skills in groups through research, business plan creation and a pitch of the business plan.

An Enterprising and Entrepreneurial mind-set and skill-suite in graduates are highly prized by employers globally and will become essential in ensuring our students are able to compete at a high level within the graduate labour market. In addition, this module supports the University’s strategic framework of encouraging our students to become:
  • Enterprising, creative and transformative thinkers
  • Effective problem solvers and communicators
  • Globally and locally culturally aware
  • Responsible and ethical citizens
  • Confident and flexible life-long learners
  • Resilient and effective leaders
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate a systematic understanding of entrepreneurial skills in practice.
  • Apply entrepreneurial skills in the production of a business plan.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in collaborative group projects.
  • Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to an audience.
  • Engage reflexively in an independent learning environment.
Assessment 28917-01 : Group Business Pitch : Presentation (30%)
28917-02 : Business Plan : Group Assessment - Coursework (50%)
28917-03 : Self-reflection Essay : Coursework (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 2,500 word essay on entrepreneurship (50%); group business pitch (15-min presentation = 30%); 1,000 word self-reflection paper (20%);

Alternative Method of assessment (for Exchange Students unable to undertake assessment during the main summer period): Group Business Pitch (15 min presentation)

Reassessment: 2,000 word self-reflection paper (40%); 3,000 word essay on entrepreneurship (50%); set of PowerPoint slides (annotated) to support a potential 5-minute individual presentation (10%)
Other None
Reading List