Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Gender and Sexuality in the Hispanic World
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Modern Languages
Module Code 09 29791
Module Lead Dr. Lorraine Ryan
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-20 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module informs students of a wide range of gender and sexuality theory through the examination of cultural and filmic texts spanning a range of historical periods. Students will learn about the socio-historical background governing lives during this time, and class discussions on a variety of texts and films will enable them to cultivate their analytical and digital skills. This module will also provide students interested in pursuing a Masters in gender and sexuality studies with a solid theoretical basis.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the ability to explore in an informed manner key gender and sexuality issues’
  • demonstrate comprehension of a wide range of theories pertaining to gender and sexuality and their intersection with politics, class, fashion, spatiality, distinction, ethnicity, immigration, and religion throughout the Hispanic World, ranging from Cuba to Spain.
  • show comprehension of how normative gender expectations categorise people in restrictive national and identity classifications, and how these boundaries may be overcome.
Assessment 29791-01 : 3,500 word essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 1 x 3,500-word essay in English (100%)
Reading List