Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title Clinical Procedural Skills Year 5
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 01 30161
Module Lead Neil Abeysinghe
Level Honours Level
Credits 0
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Description This module comprises two components. The first is that students are required to continue to undertake observed practice in procedures they have previously been taught. Students will undertake these observations while they are on placement during the CC4 module. The procedures the students should undertake practice in will be outlined in the clinical procedural skills passport.

The second component of the module requires students to attend the medical school. The students are required to attend the medical school for a day’s teaching in those relevant procedures which students are not expected to learn while on placement. The students are also required to attend the medical school for a half day to be tested in simulation in some of the ‘higher risk’ procedures contained in the clinical procedural skills passport.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module (for the blueprinted procedures) students should be able to:
  • Explain the indications, relevant anatomy and techniques for the procedure
  • Undertake relevant pre-procedure preparation
  • Demonstrate the technical ability necessary to undertake the procedure
  • Explain and demonstrate infection control procedures relevant to a procedure
  • Undertake relevant post procedure management
  • Communicate with patients effectively and sensitively
  • Use appropriate analgesia or safe sedation when appropriate
  • Obtain consent appropriate to the procedure
  • Explain when and how to seek help should it be needed
  • Consider patient’s emotional and physical comfort and act accordingly
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Observed practice in procedural skills

Assessments: Students must demonstrate that they have undertaken sufficient observed practice and are competent the passport only allows clinicians to sign the passport if the procedure is completed satisfactorily which ensures students are developing their competence. ‘Sufficient’ is regarded as 75% of the expected total of all observed practice required and 66% for each procedure. If this is not complete by the time of the main board then additional workplace hours may be used to attain competence in the supplementary period; the sign off process by clinicians in Academies occurs in the usual manner (via Pebblepad)
Reading List