Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LC Programming in Java
SchoolComputer Science
Department Computer Science
Module Code 06 30392
Module Lead TBC
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions Pre-requisite: A-Levels equivalent in Computer Science
Contact Hours Lecture-33 hours
Tutorial-11 hours
Guided independent study-156 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The Java programming language continues to be one of the most popular languages in industrial software development. This language is also the standard teaching language in the School of Computer Science. The module will introduce students with a background in Computer Science to the Java language. In addition to the language itself students will learn basic imperative algorithms and data structures along with exposure to principles of object orientation.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • explain and apply the fundamental constructs of imperative and object-oriented programming, and data structures
  • analyse Java programs, for example by determining the behaviour of a program from its source code or by completing and/or correcting partially-written programs
  • Write, test and debug Java programs, where appropriate making effective use of an integrated development environment (IDE) and other programming aids
  • Design and document complete Java programs to solve given software problems, including some open-ended tasks
Assessment 30392-01 : Examination : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
30392-02 : Continuous Assessment : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
2hr Examination (50%),
Continuous Assessment (50%)

By repeat only
Other Duplicate of Birmingham-based module 30183
Reading List