Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LH Film Production Project
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 30584
Module Lead James Walters
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Description This module requires students to develop their own area of critical interest as an audiovisual project with accompanying written component. The Film Production Project builds upon, develops and expands the skills and knowledge acquired during the first and second years, honing these attributes in a sustained and substantial project. Based within the genre of documentary, students will consider how that category can be approached and conceived originally and in a way that best represents the topic. Specialist supervision and technical support will be provided throughout the completion of the project and students will be expected to produce work that is of a standard equivalent to wider professional dissemination.

• During semester 2 of their second year students will attend an induction talk and be asked to complete an Initial Proposal Form. • Students will then be allocated a supervisor in order to discuss and develop their initial proposal with this academic member of staff. • Students will be offered a combination of one-to-one supervisions and larger group workshops across the year. • Students across the School ought normally expect to receive a minimum of four half-hour supervisions across the academic year, one of those supervisions normally falling in one half of each semester • Students will attend a course of ten group filming and editing research skills workshops during their final year.

Supervisions will be linked to specific formative assignments, outlined below in “Opportunities for Formative Assessment”
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • identify and investigate a specific research topic in detail, using scholarly conventions such as literature and bibliographic review
  • conduct independent research through self-formulated questions and tasks
  • use independent and self-reflective critical judgement
  • present research findings in audiovisual form, demonstrating a thorough awareness of relevant filming and editing techniques
Assessment 30584-01 : Film Project : Coursework (80%)
30584-02 : Written defense : Coursework (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:
Film project (maximum 20 minute length) – 80%
Written defence (2,000 words) – 20%

Film project (maximum 20 minute length) – 80%
Written defence (2,000 words) – 20%
Reading List