Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LC Legal Skills and Methods
SchoolBirmingham Law School
Department Law
Module Code 08 31228
Module Lead Rehana Parveen
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-33 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-7 hours
Guided independent study-160 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module will combine an introduction to law and legal skills with personal academic tutoring. The learning and skills explored in this module are further applied in the context of substantive law module, in the Public Law module in the second semester.

Legal Skills & Methods will introduce students to key legal skills as well as developing their study skills in transitioning from school/college to University. Students will be introduced to the Law School and University, to the assessment regime and to the pastoral care available to them. This module will also allow students to begin to develop their employability skills and attributes. The module will use a combination of plenary lectures alongside practical seminars to introduce law students to the key methods and skills they will require to be successful in their legal studies and provide them with a foundation set of skills facilitating and supporting their learning whilst promoting future career aspirations. Indicative content is as follows:
  • 1. Introduction to Legal Study;
  • 2. The English Legal System;
  • 3. Cases and Precedent;
  • 4. Legislation;
  • 5. Solving Legal Problems;
  • 6. European Legal Frameworks;
  • 7. Presenting Legal Arguments;
  • 8. International Law and Human Rights;
  • 9. Law and Justice in the Real World;
  • 10. Writing about the Law;
  • 11. Life in the Law School (including, inter alia, orientation of personnel, differing types of assessments, welfare services, personal tutoring, inclusivity, academic skills);
  • 12. Self-reflection skills;
  • 13. Careers; employability skills including writing a CV.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Identify key legal institutions, actors and processes of law making in the English legal system and its international context;
  • Develop key legal and study skills including legal and academic writing critical analysis, reasoning and legal research;
  • Show understanding and reflect on the study of law at the University of Birmingham and career planning.
Assessment 31228-01 : Online MCT : Exam (School Arranged) - MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) (50%)
31228-02 : Essay : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:
Multiple Choice Test - 60 minutes (50%) locally timetabled
Reflective Piece - 1500 words (50%)

Resit failed component(s)
Reading List