Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM Energy Systems Modelling
SchoolChemical Engineering
Department Chemical Engineering
Module Code 04 31268
Module Lead Dr. Adriano Scicovelli
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-12 hours
Tutorial-10 hours
Project supervision-5 hours
Guided independent study-73 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module will give students a thorough grounding in the modelling of both engineering processes and energy networks. In order to understand how the UK delivers variable amounts of power in response to changing demand, students must understand the mathematics and engineering behind both the generation of energy and its distribution via the energy networks (some of which material is taught in other modules) and be able to build mathematical models that can describe these processes. As such, the syllabus will entail:

a) Thermodynamics of conventional power generation and energy distribution networks.
b) Use of CFD software (Comsol) to investigate the behaviour of process units, e.g. heat exchangers.
c) Use of Matlab and Simulink software for numerical modelling, network modelling and frequency response modelling.
d) Use of flowsheeting techniques to model overall power plant cycles and heat networks
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Develop mathematical models to describe unit processes and networks of such via selection of appropriate methodology based upon the physical phenomena involved, employ computational methods and relevant software packages to solve these models, and authoritatively describe how such models should be validated.
  • Build computational models of energy generation processes and use these models to investigate how these processes can be optimised.
  • Analyse electricity and heat distribution network models, and to use such analysis to understand how different types of generation and storage systems can be used to satisfy fluctuating demands.
Assessment 31268-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: 100% written coursework (Canvas). Reassessment: same.
Reading List