Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2027/28 Session

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Module Title LC Introduction to Marketing and Communications
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Marketing
Module Code 07 31686
Module Lead Mei-Na Liao
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-40 hours
Seminar-2 hours
Guided independent study-158 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The purpose of the module is to examine and understand the role of both communications and marketing in the modern business structure. It provides the theoretical under-pinning for future study in both business communications and marketing, so that students understand and can apply theory to contemporary examples and cases. Teaching also draws on the professional experience of lecturers and guest lecturers.
The module examines the importance of organisational communication in regional and global contexts in relation to internal and external stakeholders, business strategies and organisational structure. It examines changing communications technologies, audiences and stakeholder needs. Key building blocks for business communications, including corporate identity, image, and culture will be examined, including the role of visual identity. Students will be encouraged to apply learning to appreciate and understand the impact communications has on the everyday running of a business, from the efficacy of email to managing key stakeholder relationships, and the importance of both putting people at the heart of business communications and the perspective of the individual in an organisation. Alongside the focus on communications, the module builds on the corporate identity theme to develop study into the role of marketing in business strategy; its part in brand building and its relationship with how brand identity is built and communicated; how marketing links in with business communications; how it increasingly places the consumer at the heart of campaigns.
Students will explore core components of marketing, including market research and buyer behaviour, market segmentation and positioning,
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module, students should be able to:
  • Explain the different classifications of marketing, organisational, and management communications and demonstrate an understanding of the roles each play in business.
  • Describe and display understanding of a range of core communications and marketing concepts to define and analyse stakeholders and consumers.
  • Assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of different styles of communication within an organisation and between an organisation and key stakeholders, including marketing materials.
  • Recognise and discuss the role of corporate identity, including visual identity, in business communications and marketing.
  • Identify information needed by organisations, e.g. market conditions and other external environments, required to plan and manage marketing and communications strategies.
  • Understand and apply planning models for both organisational communications and marketing.
  • Use a “tool-box” to develop communications collateral, e.g. a corporate story for a company website.
  • Describe and display understanding of the foundation of the marketing mix for products and services.
  • Critically evaluate the sources of research materials to advise appropriate courses of action, and engage with different marketing theories and options to make decisions to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role corporate communication plays in business activities.
  • Evaluate, compare, and contrast selected individual components of corporate communications and marketing via case studies and assessed group work.
Assessment 31686-01 : Group Presentation : Presentation (50%)
31686-02 : Examination (2 Hours) : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Group presentation (15 mins) 50%; Examination (2 hour) 50%. Reassessment: 100% Supplementary essay (4000 words)
Reading List