Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Islamic Family Law
SchoolBirmingham Law School
Department Law
Module Code 09 32473
Module Lead Rehana Parveen
Level Honours Level
Credits 20
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-30 hours
Seminar-6 hours
Guided independent study-164 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The aim of this module is to understand and explore the tensions that exist when Muslims organise their private family relationships within an Islamic framework whilst living within Western societies. There will be some opportunities for comparative work in examining the experiences of Muslims in Muslim majority jurisdictions. Students will not be expected to have any knowledge of Islamic law and the module will therefore begin with an introduction to Islamic jurisprudence and the sources of Islamic law before specifically addressing Muslim marriage and divorce practices, division of finances post-divorce and disputes concerning children. Students will be expected to engage with contemporary critical debates on these topics.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically examine the sources of Islamic Law and the extent to which they are applied by Muslims living in Western societies.
  • Analyse problem questions concerning substantive Islamic laws of marriage, divorce, child custody and finance.
  • Evaluate the relevant theories of legal pluralism in addressing the needs of Muslims.
  • Reflect critically on the tensions that exist both within Muslim communities and within wider societies in accommodating Muslim family practices.
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment
a) 2000 word written piece in the form of an expert report/opinion prepared for a fictional English court case. (50%).
b) 1 hour 30mins written examination (50%).
Reading List