Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LI Evaluating Nursing Care in Mental Health
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Module Code 02 33192
Module Lead Alison Gayton
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 30
Semester Semester 1
Pre-requisites LC Health and Wellbeing - (02 33182) LC Principles of Nursing - (02 33180) LC Essential Nursing Care - (02 33181)
Co-requisites LI Promoting Health and Self-Management - (02 33183)
LI Clinical Decision-Making - (02 33184)
LI Therapeutic Nursing in Mental Health Care - (02 33186)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-11 hours
Tutorial-3 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-36 hours
Guided independent study-250 hours
Total: 300 hours
Description This clinical module is delivered throughout the second year and is divided in to two mental health practice placements and aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop mental health nursing knowledge, skills and attributes within both a simulated and clinical practice setting.

Throughout this module students will plan, implement and evaluate person centred mental health care presenting with increasingly complex health and social care needs. To support students to do this they will develop their care evaluation using small group work and simulated scenarios within the clinical skills laboratory and in practice, related to their Practice Assessment Document (Stage 2) and mapped NMC (2018) Annexe A and B skills. Simulated learning will facilitate students to synthesise learning from other modules to support evaluation and decision-making.

At the end of the year students will undertake a summative, evidence-based, reflection on an evaluation in practice and will be assessed by the academic mental health assessor.

Learning in placement will be facilitated by practice supervisors (registered nurses or health and social care professionals), a practice assessor (registered nurse) and an academic assessor (School of Nursing academic staff).
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Practice in accordance with the Code (NMC, 2018), undertaking delegated care confidently and competently under supervision of a registered nurse or registered health/social care practitioner;
  • Demonstrate the skills, behaviours and proficiencies required by part 2 of the approved practice assessment document within a mental health practice learning environment;
  • Critically reflect on an aspect of practice, drawing on appropriate evidence and promoting personal and professional development;
  • Evaluate selected aspects of care provided for a person with complex health and social care needs.
Assessment 33192-01 : Practice Assessment Document : (MDS) Assessment in Practice (20%)
33192-03 : Digital Presentation : Presentation (80%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

(20%) Practice Assessment Document Part 2 or Part 3pass/fail (LO 19.1 & 19.2 and 19.4) A pass in this component will provide 20 marks to the overall module mark.

(80%) Digital presentation of a reflective evaluation of practice (LO 19.3 and 19.4)

NB: No compensation permitted. All assessment elements must be passed


Students will resubmit or resit the failed component(s) only.

Placement: a further placement period will be organised for reassessment of practice.

Digital presentation: following support and feedback the student will resubmit their presentation.
Other Students must also complete 640 practice hours in practice placement areas.
Reading List