Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LH Negotiated Career Development (MNurs)
SchoolSchool of Health Sciences
Department Nursing and Midwifery
Module Code 02 33201
Module Lead Susan Neilson
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions It is an NMC requirement that all students have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check prior to starting the programme Self- declaration of continued health and character is completed at the start of every academic year.
Contact Hours Lecture-5 hours
Seminar-15 hours
Tutorial-2 hours
Work based learning-160 hours
Guided independent study-218 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description The aim of this module is to enable students to design and undertake learning experiences to inform and enhance their careers and professional development in nursing. The module will take place over semester one and two in which a minimum of four weeks and maximum of eight weeks should be spent in direct engagement in a work experience related to the area(s) of interest.

Module Content/Strategies:

A range of nursing careers will be introduced and discussed at the beginning of semester 1. Students will develop their understanding of adult and experiential learning theory, self-assessment, and critical reflective writing and CV/portfolio development. Workshops on writing personal goals and learning outcomes and developing learning contracts will be held in semester 1. Students will write a set of personal learning outcomes and a related negotiated project to be achieved through independent learning and experience over the rest of semester 1 and 2. Students will engage in scheduled online forums and discussions and will be encouraged to share experiences through Canvas and deposit useful information for others into a shared student repository of career information and resources.

Under the learning contract, students will include an independently organised elective experience. This can include a combination of experiences for example a particular work experience together with a programme of career development (e.g. a research or leadership development programme) with an agreed /named supervisor. Developmental experience(s) should account for a minimum of 160hrs of the module and may also include wider citizenship and voluntary experiences provided there is clear contribution to development. For example, these should be aimed at developing personal strengths in relation to career aspirations and enable the student to achieve their chosen assessment topic (for example leadership - developing a student project (as a student ambassador), policy and political awareness – student union representation, leading health initiatives in voluntary groups, international nursing – experiences which provide exposure to global nursing policy. Negotiated experience must not conflict with theoretical attendance or placement/ course commitments.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the ability to set personal learning outcomes, negotiate, direct and evidence learning and development;
  • Critically reflect on learning experience(s) and the achievement of personal learning outcomes;
  • Evaluate the relevance of learning and experience for future leadership and identified professional development;
  • Critically evaluate and disseminate concisely the rationale, goals, and intended or actual outcomes of a negotiated learning project.
Assessment 33201-01 : Poster & Q&A OR 3000 word critical reflection : Presentation (40%)
33201-04 : Learning Contract : Coursework (10%)
33201-05 : Post placement action plan 500 Words : Coursework (10%)
33201-06 : Viva Q&A OR Action Learning Log 3000 words : Coursework (40%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
(10%) Learning contract (LO 20.1)
(10%) Post placement action plan: 500 words (LO 20.1)
(40%) Poster 10 minutes + 10 mins Q&A OR critical reflection 3000 words (LO 20.2, 20.3)
(40%) Evidence of learning viva 20 minute Q&A OR action learning log 3000 words (LO 20.2, 20.3, 20.4)

Students will resubmit any failed components(s):
No compensation permitted. All assessment elements must be passed.
Reading List