Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LC Contemporary Creative Writing B
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 33585
Module Lead Anna Metcalfe/Isabel Galleymore
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-5 hours
Tutorial-10 hours
Guided independent study-85 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description Building on the work covered in Contemporary Creative Writing A this module will continue to develop students awareness and understanding of the industry surrounding creative writing. This will include the role of the literary agent and editor, mainstream publishers and independent publishers, literary festivals and live reading events. Students will develop the skills of pitching and presenting their work in a variety of contexts. There will be a particular focus on readerships, audiences and markets for different forms and genres of writing.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the contemporary literary scene and apply it to their own creative works and ambitions;
  • Discuss issues surrounding “literary” and “commercial” fiction, including specific genres and movements in contemporary writing;
  • Identify themselves as writers/creative professionals with particular strengths and weaknesses in specific areas and to make a case for their position;
  • Identify and understand their potential audience.
Assessment 33585-01 : 2000 word market report : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 1,500-word "market report" on the intended audience for a piece of creative work (100%)

Reassessment: Resubmission of failed component(s)
Reading List