Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LI CAHA Study Tour A
SchoolHistory and Cultures
Department Classics, AH and Archaeology
Module Code 09 33621
Module Lead Dr Maeve McHugh
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Co-requisites LI CAHA Study Tour - (09 33623)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-8 hours
Project supervision-2 hours
Guided independent study-90 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description Study Tour A (along with its co-requisite (Study Tour B) is a compulsory element of all CAHA SH degree programmes. It provides an opportunity for students to engage in a guided tour to Greece, or Rome and Pompeii, or Romano-British sites (one of these in any given year). The choice of destination will vary depending on staff availability, and external factors (e.g. costs of travel, Covid-19 restrictions, FCO advice). If students are unable to travel on the guided tour they may choose to complete an online only virtual itinerary linked to the topic of the guided tour. All travel will take place during the Easter vacation. Students will be accompanied by CAHA teaching staff on the guided tour.
The teaching on Study Tour A employs embedded skills-based learning to enable students to acquire valuable future skills by completing micro-credentials on project planning and project implementation that will enhance their CV.
For Study Tour A, each student will create a guide to an archaeological site for a non-academic audience. The guide's topic will depend on the tourtour's destination (Greece, Italy, or UK) for that academic year. Students will choose a site relevant to the tour’s destination, e.g. Athens/Delphi/Olympia/Mycenae, Rome/Pompeii, or Hadrian’s Wall and create an illustrated archaeological guide to the site that includes literary, historical, and archaeological evidence. Students will be provided with lectures on the history, archaeology, and art of the sites that they will produce the guide for, along with broader themed lectures on the archaeology of the Greeks, Romans, or Romano-Britain to ensure that students have complete knowledge of the topic to facilitate their learning.
The tour will be fully risk assessed and insured through the university.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of the significance of material culture for understanding past societies and cultural life;
  • Conduct research to create an academically sound archaeological site guide for a non-academic audience
  • Analyse primary and secondary sources to reconstruct a coherent historical and archaeological narrative of the ancient past.
  • Use archaeological, historical, and literary evidence in an interpretative manner.
Assessment 33621-01 : 2500 Word Essay : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
2,500 word illustrative guide of an archaeological site for a non-academic audience (100%)

Same as assessment.
Reading List