Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LM Research Developments and Scientific Communication
SchoolSchool of Bioscience
Department School of Biosciences
Module Code 03 33633
Module Lead Damon Huber
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-2 hours
Seminar-10 hours
Guided independent study-88 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The aim of the module is to introduce students to the most recent research developments, to develop their skills at acquiring, organising, processing and critically evaluating information, and to give them an opportunity to develop science communication skills.

Part of the module is based on the extensive School/University research seminar programme, which covers a wide range of subjects. These seminars, given by a mix of outside speakers and University staff, present up-to-date, cutting edge research and provide an excellent opportunity to keep up with the latest research developments.

Students will be able to tailor the content of this module to their own particular research interests by choosing from a range of School seminars. They will also be encouraged to read current, high impact, scientific literature in their area of interest and present this or their own research in a journal club format, and in a BBC news article format.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate attendance at a series of research seminars
  • Acquire, organise, process, integrate and critically evaluate information from current research papers
  • Communicate a piece of scientific research in a format aimed at a general, on-specialist audience
Assessment 33633-01 : BBC News article : Coursework (45%)
33633-02 : Journal Club Presentation : Coursework (45%)
33633-03 : Seminar Notebook : Coursework (10%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Seminar note book (10%), BBC News article (800 words) on a current research article (45%) and a 10 min journal club presentation of a current research paper (45%).

Reassessment of the module will require redoing the failed element:

Seminar notebook (reflecting on an additional seminars to those already recorded)
BBC news article (using a different paper to the one originally submitted)
10-minute presentation on a topic different to the original.

Extenuating Circumstances impacting on coursework or in year assessment will normally be dealt with by an extension being granted where appropriate to the date for submission or completion of the piece(s) of work affected
Reading List