Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LC Social Research I (Part 2) A
SchoolSchool of Social Policy
Department Soc Policy, Sociology & Crimin
Module Code 08 33995
Module Lead Emily Ball
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Seminar-6 hours
Tutorial-4 hours
Guided independent study-70 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module builds on the first semester research and academic skills teaching to deepend students critical appraisal and analytical skills.

Through a combination of lectures, seminars, practical sessions and guided independent study the module students will have the opportunity will to assess and develop their knowledge and skills in researching and communicating relevant topics. Students will also have the opportunity to explore how claims, issues and questions regarding policy and society can be analysed and understood using a range of sources of data, research strategies and positions.

In part two students are introduced to a series of case studies from researchers within the department. This illustrates how we apply the theoretical debates of part one (how to design research) to examples of research practice. This illustrates to students how to develop the critical appraisal of methods and their suitability to different research questions.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Choose the most appropriate research design (including methods) to address different research problems/questions;
  • Evaluate research designs against the criteria typically used to judge the quality of a piece of research;
  • Critically engage with contrasting sources of data and evidence.
Assessment 33995-02 : Research Proposal (Semester 2) : Coursework (75%)
33995-03 : MCQ (Semester 1) : Coursework (25%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 1 hour MCQ exam on Canvas (25%) (semester 1)

Research proposal 2000 words (75%) (semester 2)

Reassessment by failed component
Reading List