Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LC Mathematics A
SchoolMetallurgy and Materials
Department Metallurgy & Materials
Module Code 04 34048
Module Lead Dr Andrew Morris
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-11 hours
Tutorial-22 hours
Guided independent study-67 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description The aim of this module is to develop students’ ability and confidence to use mathematical and numerical methods to solve engineering problems and judge the validity of their solutions.

This links to the requirements for students in the QAA Materials benchmark statement 2017 of “fluency in mathematics, and familiarity with a range of mathematical and computational methods, for expressing the laws of science, for formulating and solving problems” and the AHEP3 learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes By the end of this module students should be able to:
  • Will be able to solve problems related calculus and differential equations;
  • Will be able to solve problems related to vectors;
  • Will be able to solve problems related to matrices.
These link to the AHEP3 learning outcomes:
Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of mathematical and statistical methods necessary to underpin their education in their engineering discipline and to enable them to apply mathematical and statistical methods, tools and notations proficiently in the analysis and solution of engineering problems (SM2).
Assessment 34048-01 : Quizzes : Coursework (50%)
34048-02 : Exam : Exam (Centrally Timetabled) - Written Unseen (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Two hour exam 70% Coursework 30%
Reading List