Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LF Academic Reading into Writing 5D
SchoolAcademic Services
Department Birmingham International Acad
Module Code 09 34555
Module Lead Richard Gidwaney
Level Foundation Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LF English for Specific Academic Purposes 5D - (09 34549)
LF Academic Listening and Speaking 5D - (09 34543)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-70 hours
Tutorial-20 hours
Guided independent study-110 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This blended learning module is intended for students with IELTS entry level 5.5-6.5, depending on the requirement specified in their conditional offer letter. It forms the final stage of the presessional Academic Reading & Writing programme. It is aimed at completing the development of the language competency and reading strategies & writing skills needed for study at a UK university, such using sources, writing essays, summaries and reflective reports. The module consists of 7 hours class tuition and 2 hours tutorials per week, and is built around reading and writing activities based on authentic academic texts. Students will be required to work both individually and collaboratively. Materials and tasks will be graded to the different needs of the group as appropriate for mixed-ability groups. Students will be expected to review, extend and plan their learning by self-selecting and completing online and offline tasks and self-assess their progress on a weekly basis.

This summative stage puts greater emphasis on the fostering of autonomous learning and research skills and the critical evaluation of various complex academic sources.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Use general and academic vocabulary and collocations for reading and writing authentic academic texts in a controlled, accurate and flexible way
  • Demonstrate controlled, accurate and flexible use of a wide variety of complex sentence structures using a wide range of cohesive devices
  • Structure a paragraph logically using highly effective topic sentences to state ideas and arguments, and integrating and synthesising relevant supporting detail from a range of academic sources.
  • Plan and logically structure a coherent piece of academic writing on a complex topic, with effective and flexible use of transitions, to develop an argument or express an opinion, evaluating different ideas or solutions from a range of academic sources.
  • Critically evaluate a range of relevant complex academic texts to inform own writing and effectively summarise, paraphrase and quote information without plagiarising
  • Follow the Harvard conventions for citation and referencing and produce an accurate and detailed reference list
  • Proactively identify own errors and respond effectively to feedback by proofreading and redrafting own work
  • Flexibly apply a wide range of reading skills depending on text type and purpose for complex, extended academic texts to derive meaning, select information and identify text structure and purpose
  • Identify and critically evaluate arguments and their supporting evidence in complex, extended academic texts
  • Read and write academic texts with a refined understanding and skilful application of a wide range of genre-specific discourse features
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Reading (20%) into writing (20%) test

There will be an opportunity to re-take the Reading into Writing test
Reading List