Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI Inside the Gallery: Curating an Exhibition
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Art Hist, Cur and Vis Studies
Module Code 09 34891
Module Lead Claire Jones
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-10 hours
Seminar-20 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description Why and how do art galleries and museums curate exhibitions? Who visits them and why? This module introduces students to key aspects of curating temporary art exhibitions, such as selecting and developing a theme, identifying artworks and requesting loans, display issues, press and marketing, interpretation, learning and engagement, finance and administration. Students will learn how to plan an exhibition from an initial idea to presenting an exhibition proposal. They will also gain knowledge about relevant historical and theoretical contexts, and gain insight (where possible) into local gallery collections and displays. Students will also learn to consider an artwork within its display environment, an important aspect of art history. The module and its assessment are based on group work, as a significant skill required in many professional fields. The module is taught by the module convenor and, where possible, by museum and gallery professionals.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of museum and gallery exhibition practices;
  • Identify and critically evaluate key aspects involved in curating an exhibition;
  • Demonstrate understanding of time management, communication and organisational skills;
  • Analyse and explain reasons for these decisions and processes
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of group work (where appropriate)
Assessment 34891-01 : Group presentation 20 min : Coursework (50%)
34891-02 : Group portfolio : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Group presentation 20 min (50% - group mark); Group portfolio (50% - group mark), which should include a combined narrative of up to 4,000 words, plus supplementary material such as a press release.

Alternative assessment if there are extenuating circumstances and a student cannot be assessed as part of a group presentation or group portfolio – as agreed with the module convenor:
In lieu of presentation: One 2,000-word essay (50%) focusing on the exhibition theme and selected works; In lieu of portfolio: One 2,000-word essay (50%) focusing on one key aspect of the exhibition (such as press and marketing, learning and engagement, budgets and funding; plus supplementary material (e.g. press release).

Alternative assessment if on campus activity is restricted:
live oral assessments will either be recorded presentations or conducted via Zoom/Skype.
Re-assessment of group presentation: One 2,000-word essay focusing on the exhibition theme and selected works; and explaining their personal contribution to the exhibition theme and selected works.


Re-assessment for the group: re-submit failed component

Re-assessment if a student cannot be assessed as part of the group:

In lieu of presentation: One 2,000-word essay (50%) focusing on the exhibition theme and selected works; In lieu of portfolio: One 2,000-word essay (50%) focusing on one key aspect of the exhibition (such as press and marketing, learning and engagement, budgets and funding; plus supplementary material (e.g. press release).
Reading List