Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LI German Language Project B
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Modern Languages
Module Code 09 34913
Module Lead Nigel Harris
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LI German Language Project A - (09 34912)
Restrictions This module is available to Exchange students with the required level of German. It is not suitable for German native speakers.
Contact Hours Tutorial-5 hours
Guided independent study-95 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description Students will work autonomously on the production of a short newspaper, magazine or other publication (approved by the supervisor) in the target language. The group will meet once every two weeks for tutorials to concentrate on their writing skills and practise their spoken language. Students are expected to see their supervisor regularly for individual help. Students can select a theme / topic for their publication and thus develop and explore different styles of writing and manipulate vocabulary relevant to their specialisation. It will also allow students to gain extensive knowledge of their specific area of interest. Furthermore, this module aims at enhancing students’ ability to express themselves in the target language through a presentation to be delivered at the end of the course.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Have achieved at least level B1.1 for Intermediate students and B2 for Advanced students of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in written and oral skills;
  • write in German creatively and extensively using different styles of writing;
  • show understanding of the structure and register of various types of German articles and texts and construct a coherent set of written articles and texts in German;
  • Undertake extensive individual research of material in the target language like newspapers, magazines and the Internet;
  • present information clearly to an audience in German
Assessment 34913-01 : Written Project in German (2000 Words) : Coursework (70%)
34913-02 : Presentation in German (10 Minutes) : Presentation (30%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

The assessment for modules 34912 and 34913 is linked.

1 Written Project in German (2000 words) (70%) [normally in Semester 2]
1 presentation in German (10 minutes) (30%) [normally in Semester 2]

Alternative Assessment for single-semester Exchange students (Semester 1 only):
1 written proposal in German (1000 words) (70%)
1 presentation in German (10 minutes) (30%)

Alternative Assessment for single-semester Exchange students (Semester 2 only):
1 written proposal in German (1000 words) (70%)
1 presentation in German (10 minutes) (30%)

Alternative assessment if on campus activity is restricted: live oral assessments will either be recorded presentations or conducted via Zoom/Skype.


Re-submission of failed component.
Reading List