Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Interpreting B
SchoolLan, Cult, Art Hist & Music
Department Modern Languages
Module Code 09 34938
Module Lead Agnes Gower
Level Honours Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LH Interpreting A - (09 34937)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Practical Classes and workshops-15 hours
Guided independent study-85 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description Students will attend weekly classes in the language laboratories and a fortnightly class in the Interpreting Suite to develop their interpreting skills (note-taking, listening, reproduction of aural stimuli between an English and French speaker) as well as background knowledge of the topics studied and relevant vocabulary. In semester 2, students will put into practice the note-taking skills acquired in semester 1 when completing interpreting tasks. The language of delivery will be a combination of English and French.

Alternative delivery if on campus teaching is moved online:
The module will be taught online using Sanako Connect or a platform with similar functionalities.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Interpret aural stimuli on a number of topics;
  • Transfer meaning from English into French and vice-versa building on and developing the key language skills fostered in the French core/compulsory modules in Years 1 and 2;
  • Take-notes effectively to allow them to interpret longer blocks of speech.
Assessment 34938-01 : 15-Minute Interpreting Task : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
One 15-minute interpreting task taking place in the language laboratory (100%).

Alternative assessment if on campus activity is restricted:The interpreting task will take place remotely using Sanako Connect or a platform with similar functionalities.

Re-sit interpreting task (100%)
Reading List