Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LC Musical Theatre 1
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Urdang Academy
Module Code 09 35072
Module Lead Rob Archibald
Level Certificate Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Practical Classes and workshops-234 hours
Guided independent study-166 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description Musical Theatre 1 focuses on developing skills within the three main disciplines of musical theatre: singing, acting and voice. The first year of study will equip students with the necessary technical skills in these core disciples.

Acting, Singing and Voice classes will explore the concepts of work on the self, the imagination, the senses and the development of the fundamental skills required to develop an expressive, versatile and technically sound vocal and physical instrument. Learning will take place during face-to-face workshops and practical classes where students will be encouraged to explore their physical and emotional boundaries.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the fundamental aspects of voice production through speech and song;
  • Apply the stylistic and technical demands of musical theatre to own performance;
  • Recognise and apply the ability to present a truthful and believable characterisation in acting;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of naturalism in acting.
Assessment 35072-01 : Singing assessment : Practical (40%)
35072-02 : Acting assessment : Practical (40%)
35072-03 : Voice Assessment : Practical (20%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
Practical assessment in each discipline necessary:Singing Assessment - presentation of 1 solo song (approx. 3 minutes) (40%);
Acting Assessment - presentation of scene study piece (duologues or small group as prepared during class) (approx. 5 minutes) (40%);
Voice Assessment - presentation of solo Shakespearean Sonnet (approx. 3 minutes) (20%).

Failed component only.
Practical assessment in each discipline necessary:
Singing Assessment - presentation of 1 solo song (approx. 3 minutes) (40%);
Acting Assessment - presentation of scene study piece (duologues or small group as prepared during class) (approx. 5 minutes) (40%);
Voice Assessment - presentation of solo Shakespearean Sonnet (approx. 3 minutes) (20%).
Reading List