Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Elective Preparation
SchoolSchool of Medical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 02 36122
Module Lead Dr Connie Wiskin
Level Honours Level
Credits 10
Semester Full Term
Restrictions Compulsory module for all students registered on A100 year 4 (MBChB) and A101 year 3 (GEC)
Contact Hours Lecture-2 hours
Project supervision-5 hours
Guided independent study-93 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description This module is undertaken by year 4 MBChB students and year 3 GEC students in preparation for their elective placement. In the module students must identify a home supervisor (usually from within the UoB clinical training circuit) and a location supervisor at the location in which the project is to take place. Students are also required to undertake and submit a number of documents including:

Protocol: To include details of the proposed placement, professional development aims, personal development aims and a summary of the proposed project (study design; methods selected and rationale; data analysis or reflective approach; ethical approval; resources)

Health, safety and feasibility form: Part A of this form is filled out by the student and details the health and safety implications of the project and the measures to be taken to minimise any potential risks. Part B of the form is filled out by the home supervisor and provides a separate assessment of the health and safety implications of the project, and gives an assessment of project feasibility. Students are also required to submit details of travel and indemnity insurance and provide details of how they will stay in contact with members of their immediate family and the University.

These two documents are assessed by a member of the Elective Committee and feedback is provided to the students. Where there are major questions over the quality or safety of the project, approval for the elective placement will be withheld until suitable modifications have been made.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • demonstrate the ability to develop an appropriate investigative project for an elective by data collection, reflection, audit, service evaluation or any other appropriate method.
  • demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate home and location supervisors, and a suitable location for the proposed project.
  • demonstrate the ability to write a protocol for the proposed project including professional development aims, personal development aims, and a summary of the project including study design, methods selected, key literature, details of ethical approval (if required), resources required and justification of project choice.
  • demonstrate the ability to identify and describe any potential personal risks involved in the project, and identify and describe appropriate measures to minimise or manage these risks.
Assessment 36122-01 : Elective Preparation Module Mark : Coursework (100%)
36122-03 : Elective Preparation mark : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:
Students are required to submit a protocol outlining their proposed elective project and a completed health, safety and feasibility form. Submission of these elements is compulsory for the module. Students are advised that failure to submit without justifiable reason could result in failure of the module. These documents are reviewed by a member of the Elective Committee on a `traffic light- basis. Green - good to go; Amber - amendment required or some details not submitted; Red - major problems

Resubmission of elements as required
Reading List