Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LH Clinical Core 4
SchoolInstitute of Clinical Sciences
Department Birmingham Medical School
Module Code 01 36127
Module Lead Prof Alice Turner
Level Honours Level
Credits 110
Semester Full Term
Restrictions Where the students are returning to the programme after a significant leave of absence they will be required to undertake the co-requisite Clinical Core Refresher Course Non-credit bearing module prior to undertaking the assessments.
Description This module builds on the general clinical experience gained during the Clinical Core 2 and 3 modules and introduces students to the more specialised areas of medicine and surgery (Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, A&E and ITU) in the MBChB programme. A main focus of the module is to ensure students are fully prepared to become 'New Doctors'.

Students have three hospital placements (25 weeks in all) – spread across each semester and there is a Head of Academy who oversees the provision of experience in each hospital.
Students will also have a 5-week community-based medicine assistantship

The Hospital-based placements will be separate rotations in:
1) Paediatrics (5 weeks)
2) Obstetrics and Gynaecology (5 weeks)
3) Acutely Ill Patient* (15 weeks) The acutely ill patient rotations will include experiences in several hospital areas including A&E, ITU, MAU and a 5-week Assistantship.
Learning Outcomes The doctor as a scholar and scientist
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic sciences and the key concepts of clinical sciences and apply them in their clinical learning in the clinical settings encountered in phase 4*:
  • Demonstrate a scientific understanding of an agreed range of common and less common diseases, their causes and prevention, mechanisms ,clinical presentation, investigation and evidence-based management in the specialist clinical setting
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the physical, psychological, sociological factors influencing mental health, and the psychological and social effects of serious physical illness and hospitalisation.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how population health is applied in prevention and management of disease in the clinical settings encountered in Phase 4*.
The doctor as a practitioner
  • Demonstrate good interpersonal/communication skills when interviewing and negotiating with patients and their families in the clinical settings encountered in phase 4* and competence in undertaking and recording a physical and mental state examination that is appropriate to the setting and the circumstance.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking in synthesising the information gained from the patient are carer, considering possible diagnoses and proposing investigations which may confirm or support a diagnosis / exclude other diagnoses or narrow the diagnostic field
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the therapeutic options available in the clinical placements which constitute phase 4 in relation to an agreed range of presentations/conditions and of the decision making processes whereby clinical management decisions are made.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the involvement of the patient and their family in decisions about their clinical management and a recognition of the particular responsibilities placed on the doctor in those limited circumstances where this is not possible
  • Demonstrate the required progress/competence in the range of clinical procedures as set out in the Clinical Skills Passport, showing an understanding of the use of the procedure in common situations.
  • Practice as a clinical learner in a manner that demonstrates awareness of and commitment to the patient safety agenda as it applies to the particular circumstances of their clinical placements: ensuring that all precautions are taken to minimise the particular risks inherent in the individual clinical environment.
The doctor as a professional
  • Use information effectively in a clinical learning context, making use of ICT to support clinical learning and recognising the growing importance of ICT in the management of clinical care.
  • Meet the requirements of confidentiality / data protection legislation and codes of practice for the Trust and the programme, demonstrating a recognition of the importance of these matters in professional learning and practice.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of and commitment to the ethical and legal principles which inform and regulate professional learning and practice, and behaviour in relation to patients, fellow health care workers and the general public.
  • Demonstrate the skills and attitudes required to make appropriate use of the opportunities presented by the clinical environments encountered in phase 4.
  • Reflect on current clinical practice and acquiring, assessing, applying and integrating new practice and develop the skills of Continuing Professional Development.
  • Demonstrate a developing knowledge of the roles fulfilled by other health care professionals and a commitment to working effectively as part of the multi-professional team.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the organisation of the NHS and health care provider bodies.
  • Assessment 36127-01 : Clinical Core 4 overall module mark : Exam (School Arranged) - Mixed (100%)
    Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:

    The knowledge components of the learning outcomes for the module are assessed through a single written examination (spread over two examination events of three hours each) The examination consists of MCQs designed (through use of patient vignettes / clinical problems) to test the capacity of students to apply knowledge in the clinical situation.

    The actual pass mark for the exam is determined through a Modified Angoff* approach and then scaled to the MB ChB pass mark of 50%.

    Clinical, communication and practical procedural skills are assessed by an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and a series of work based assessments.

    In order to pass the module, students must pass the OSCE, work based assessment and MCQ assessments.

    Due Diligence

    Although the academic grade is determined on the basis of student performance in the multiple choice questions en bloc, workbased assessmentsand overall performance in the OSCE, students need to demonstrate due diligence in relation to each of the clinical experience components. For the purposes of this module, the requirement for demonstration of due diligence is to have gained at least 40% of the available marks in each section of the MCQ. If a student fails to meet this threshold in any individual subject area, they will be considered to have failed the examination and will have to resit (i.e. an academic sanction applied on the basis of failure to demonstrate due diligence). A minimum number of OSCE stations must be passed and students must also achieve an overall pass mark.

    Professional Behaviour

    In addition, students, as developing clinicians, are required to demonstrate the professional behaviours outlined under Learning Outcome 35.3 in all the clinical units in which they learn during the module. Formal assessments of professional behaviour will be completed in each clinical experience, but any behavior considered inappropriate can be reported either through the concern form system or, in the case of more serious breaches, directly to the Student Support and Development Office. Various sanctions are open to the Fitness to Practice panel including delayed progress and withdrawal from the programme.


    The MCQ, workbased assessmentsand the OSCE are repeated in full as a re-sit loop. Students will resit the assessment that they have not passed. There is a separate resit opportunity for the Prescribing Skills Assessment.

    Reading List