Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LH Earth Sciences Research Project
SchoolSchool of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Department Earth and Environ Sciences
Module Code 03 36186
Module Lead Ivan Sansom
Level Honours Level
Credits 40
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-2 hours
Project supervision-4 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-14 hours
Guided independent study-380 hours
Total: 400 hours
Description Undertaking of independent research and production of a professional research report based on primary data collected in the field and/or laboratory/museum that will take account of relevant published literature. To be written in the form of a journal paper or industry report as appropriate and presented as a scientific poster and a pitch-to-peers session for a project conference where each student introduces/defends their project to a staff and peer audience.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate the skills required to successfully execute a field/lab/museum based research project
  • Collect and interpret appropriate data systematically
  • Produce an explanatory report to a professional standard
  • Present the essence of the project in a brief pitch-to-peers
  • Present the findings of the research as a scientific poster and explain the poster
Assessment 36186-01 : Poster : Coursework (5%)
36186-02 : Pitch to Peers : Coursework (5%)
36186-03 : Final Report : Coursework (90%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions 90% 8,000-word report in the format of a journal article or industrial report with supplementary materials section & primary data files as appendices (e.g. note books, field slips, lab books, data files); 10% scientific poster & 2 minute pitch/defence
Reading List