Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LC Discovering Creative Practice B
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 36188
Module Lead Lisa Gee
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 2
Co-requisites LC Discovering Creative Practice A - (09 36236)
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Seminar-20 hours
Guided independent study-80 hours
Total: 100 hours
Description During this module students will work individually and in groups to learn to create content using a range of industry-standard digital tools and media. During the first half of the semester, students will be introduced to a range of tools/media for the creation of image, audio, video and interactive technologies/platforms (eg: Unity, Twine, or the BBC’s StoryFormer). During the second half of the semester, students will work in groups or individually to a brief, provided either by an external organisation or the University on a content-creation project, selecting and applying tools/technologies/platform(s) appropriate to that project.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • identify and understand the affordances and limitations of the tools/apps/platforms used to create a range of different digital assets;
  • interpret, ask appropriate clarifying questions about and – where appropriate – negotiate changes to a creative brief;
  • apply a minimum of 2 tools/apps/platforms to create useable digital assets, and deliver them in a timely and professional manner.
Assessment 36188-01 : 22-23 Submission : Coursework (100%)
36188-03 : 23-24 Submission : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions The assessment for modules 36236 and 36188 is linked.

Component part 1 (equivalent to 1000 words in total, 25% of Discovering Creative Practice A+ B combined)

• a digital capabilities self-assessment (equivalent to 250 words)

• 750 word reflexive account

[Normally in semester 1]

Component part 2 (equivalent to 3000 words, 75% of Discovering Creative Practice A+B combined)

• A project portfolio of digital assets equivalent to 2,500 words.

• 500-word reflective report

[Normally in semester 2]

Reassessment: re-submission of failed component
Reading List