Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2026/27 Session

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Module Title LC Discovering Creative Practice A
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Film and Creative Writing
Module Code 09 36236
Module Lead Lisa Gee
Level Certificate Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1
Co-requisites LC Discovering Creative Practice B - (09 36188)
Restrictions None
Description During this module, students will develop and reflect on their own creative practice, exploring the elements and processes of storytelling – people (creators, characters and consumers), storyworlds (where stories are made, take place and are interacted with), journeys (approaches to narrative, character arc and plot) and forms (scripts, poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, interactive narratives, etc).

Working individually and with peers, they will test approaches to deciding which form(s) best fit their story ideas, try out a range of tools and techniques that can boost creativity, and – as they develop their ideas from inception to fruition – reflect on which approaches work best for them as individual ‘makers’, and on how their own creative practice is evolving.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • apply a range of tools and techniques that boost creativity, and identify those likely to prove most productive for them in a range of circumstances;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the individual elements necessary to create an effective story, and identify how the synthesis of these varies by form, genre and medium;
  • apply a reflective approach to their creative work in a way that demonstrates an ability to articulate what they’ve learned.
Assessment 36236-01 : Digital Capabilities and reflection : Coursework (25%)
36236-02 : Portfolio and reflective report : Coursework (75%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions The assessment for modules 36236 and 36188 is linked.

Component part 1 (equivalent to 1000 words in total, 25% of Discovering Creative Practice A+ B combined)

• a digital capabilities self-assessment (equivalent to 250 words)

• 750 word reflexive account

[Normally in semester 1]

Component part 2 (equivalent to 3000 words, 75% of Discovering Creative Practice A+B combined)

• A project portfolio of digital assets equivalent to 2,500 words.

• 500-word reflective report

[Normally in semester 2]

Reassessment: re-submission of failed component
Reading List