Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2025/26 Session

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Module Title LC Cities in Transition
SchoolSchool of Geog Earth & Env Sci
Department Geography
Module Code 03 36282
Module Lead David Adams / Austin Barber
Level Certificate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Description This module introduces students to some of the key processes of socio-economic change shaping the fortunes of cities in Britain, Europe and North America. In so doing, it highlights the role they play in shaping urban policy and planning priorities in cities. The module draws on relevant international case studies of socio-economic change in major cities, including Barcelona, Manchester, Toronto, Berlin and Detroit.
Situating these changes in the context of globalisation, urban fragmentation and other recent intellectual developments in urban studies, this module exposes students to debates around how the physical fabric of contemporary cities is being remodelled and re-shaped by a range of different forces, processes and actors. And it explores how major processes of change influence different kinds of cities and the diverse groups within urban society. Here, then, is an early opportunity for students an early opportunity to consider how planners and other policy makers might respond to these new urban challenges.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key socio-economic and environmental processes relevant to the analysis of spatial change in contemporary cities
  • Explain how these processes shape public policy formulation, particularly at the city scale
  • Analyse the differential impact that these forces are exerting on the fortunes of cities
  • Generate policy recommendations to guide future planning and development decisions
  • Communicate effectively and professionally in written, oral and visual form
  • Assessment 36282-01 : 1500 word individual report : Coursework (35%)
    36282-02 : 3000 word individual report : Coursework (65%)
    Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:
    Individual 1,500-word report (worth 35%).
    Individual 3,000-word report (worth 65%).

    Report/s submitted in the supplementary period.
    Reading List