Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM Applied Data Science for Learning Environments
SchoolEducational Enterprise
Department Wiley
Module Code 03 37057
Module Lead Richard Mason/Jon Watkins
Level Masters Level
Credits 10
Semester Semester 1 or 2
Restrictions None
Description Data science offers the ability to assimilate and disseminate complex data structures, making sense of a wide range of effects. Education is a data rich field in the web age, providing learners with vast numbers of interactions with apps, online tests, and online materials.

Directly studying the effects of these artefacts is often very difficult, and data science offers methods of finding out “what actually happened” from the data, allowing developers and designers the opportunity to improve the use of technology, and aid students in their learning goals. This module offers students the ability to appreciate the utility of data science within education.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Critically understand and apply summary statistics.
  • Critically understand and apply summary machine learning to breakdown data.
  • Use appropriate data science technologies to summarise and visualise data stories.
  • Understand and apply ethics of data.
  • Appreciate data science techniques for learning and education.
Assessment 37057-01 : Report : Coursework (70%)
37057-02 : Presentation : Coursework (30%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment
1 x Report-based analysis of a dataset providing insight into an education based phenomenon (1500 words) (70%) 1 x Communicate and present a data story to an alternative audience (30%)

Re-submission of failed elements
Reading List