Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LI Performance Lab
SchoolEng, Drama, & Creative Studies
Department Drama and Theatre Arts
Module Code 10 37843
Module Lead Pablo Pakula
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 2
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Practical Classes and workshops-30 hours
Guided independent study-170 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description This module will investigate a range of post-dramatic performance conventions including approaches to developing performance text, deconstruction of the dramatic, task-based performance, collage, and the role of the audience as frameworks for the making of contemporary performance. The emphasis will be on workshop exploration informed by the theories and practice of leading post-dramatic performance companies such as the Wooster Group, Forced Entertainment, and Goat Island.

Through a series of practical workshops (which will be supported with tasks, readings and viewings), Performance Lab will enable you to explore Postdramatic vocabularies and strategies whilst at the same time developing your devising skills and contemporary approaches to performance-making. Such approaches might include - but are not be restricted to - experimentation with levels of presence, distinctions between acting and performance, and persona rather than character work; experimentation with physical scores, visual and material aspects of theatre; experimentation with audience participation and configuration; experimentation with narrative, new text, intertextuality and textual adaptation.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate their grasp of a conceptual vocabulary that allows them to reflect critically on ideas of theatrical experimentation;
  • Demonstrate a familiarity with the work of relevant practitioners;
  • Demonstrate the ability to apply learnt strategies in order to develop their own practice, informed by the work and ideas of leading artists in postdramatic performance;
  • Reflect on their own practical work in relation to theatrical experimentation and contexts.
Assessment 37843-01 : Critical Analysis 1000 words : Coursework (30%)
37843-02 : Group Performance : Practical (70%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment: Group performance, (between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the group size) 70%

Critical Analysis 1000 words: 30%

Reassessment: Failed component only

Performance, either group or individual, duration will be dependent on the number of students, which may be submitted as a recording (70%)

Critical Analysis 1000 words: 30%
Reading List