Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LM International Business
SchoolBirmingham Business School
Department Strategy and Int Business
Module Code 07 37999
Module Lead Professor John Bryson
Level Masters Level
Credits 20
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Lecture-20 hours
Practical Classes and workshops-20 hours
Guided independent study-160 hours
Total: 200 hours
Description The module introduces students to international business focusing on exploring the drivers and risks related to internationalisation, international business theory and different ways in which international business is organised. The module explores all types of international business – small firms to complex transnational companies, manufacturing and services, platform-based businesses, and different national contexts. The emphasis placed on different national contexts is positioned within an analysis that highlights the importance of understanding interactions between place and space and international business or the local contexts within which international business is practiced. The module develops a comparative and critical analysis of international business theory and encourages students to apply theory to practice using case studies. Theory is explored in the context of application to support practice by identifying and exploring the drivers, challenges and risks related to international business practice.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Assess and critically evaluate the drivers and risks behind international business in the context of the complex nature of international business environment.
  • Explain and review advances in international business theory.
  • Appraise and compare different approaches to understanding international business.
  • Apply international business theory to understanding international business in place and across space.
  • Critical thinking and judgement skills, systematically applied to different international business scenarios and/or simulations.
Assessment 37999-01 : Individual digital artefact assignment : Coursework (50%)
37999-02 : Individual Assignment : Coursework (50%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

(1500 word equivalent) individual digital artefact assignment (50%).
(1500 word equivalent) individual case study analysis – written report (50%).


Resubmission of failed component(s):
(1500 word equivalent) individual digital artefact assignment (50%).

AND/OR(1500 word equivalent) individual case study analysis – written report (50%).
Reading List