Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2023/24 Session

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Module Title LI Physiotherapy practice-based education placement II
SchoolSport, Ex and Rehab Sciences
Department Physiotherapy
Module Code 02 38025
Module Lead TBC
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 0
Semester Semester 1
Restrictions None
Description This placement module is the second of six placement modules that feature as part of the MSci Physiotherapy programme. The student will have an identified clinical educator within a health care setting (and is typically external to the university) where they will have the opportunity to use and develop clinical knowledge and skills acquired during the previous modules, components and Physiotherapy practice-based education placement I. The opportunity will exist to learn new profession-specific skills and to acquire new knowledge. Different students within the cohort will be allocated to diverse placement settings and learning outcomes should be interpreted flexibly in order that students are assessed optimally.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate sound subjective and objective assessment skills, developing skills in writing effective problem lists and treatment plans
  • Demonstrate clinical reasoning skills, using evidence-based practice to underpin the core skills outlined above, enabling effective assessment and treatment of a range of patient presentations
  • Demonstrate knowledge and use of objective measures
  • Demonstrate safe and effective treatment skills
  • Demonstrate a variety of communication skills across a wide range of service users with a variety of challenges to communication.
  • Demonstrate efficient time management skills appropriate to clinical area
  • Demonstrate effective communication skills with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) - engaging with the process of MDT communication and working
  • Reflect on the function of MDT appropriate to clinical area alongside the specific role of physiotherapy within the MDT, demonstrating active participation in MDT working
  • Engage in inter-professional learning within the MDT
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessment:

Assessment using the Common Placement Assessment Form (CPAF) – 100%
As a required component (zero credit)
grading will not be credit-bearing but will be offered as part of feedback.


Repeat placement
Reading List