Programme And Module Handbook
Course Details in 2024/25 Session

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Module Title LI Year in Industry
SchoolSchool of Engineering
Department Engineering
Module Code 04 38225
Module Lead Dr Iestyn Stead
Level Intermediate Level
Credits 120
Semester Full Term
Restrictions None
Contact Hours Project supervision-5 hours
Work based learning-1000 hours
Guided independent study-195 hours
Total: 1200 hours
Description The aim of the module is to provide opportunities to see how theoretical and academic work completed within the university environment relates to the practical application in the workplace.

It will enable students to develop confidence over a significant period of time in the workplace in skills of organisation, time management and record keeping. It will permit students to take on gradually more responsibility for the work that they do, so that by the end of the year’s placement they are capable of completing an element of work from beginning to end with minimal supervision.
Learning Outcomes By the end of the module students should be able to:
  • Demonstrate that they have utilised and further enhanced their technical skills within a working environment, complying fully with Health and Safety regulations and showing an understanding of the sustainability issues relevant to the placement
  • Demonstrate enhanced transferable skills appropriate to the workplace, such as teamwork, communication, commercial awareness, presentation skills, and project planning and implementation
  • Maintain a personal record of training received, reflect on what has been learnt and adapt a training plan for the future
  • Manage and carry out a technical, design or construction project demonstrating an understanding of time and budgetary issues restrictions that constrain the project
  • Present a well-structured report on a project carried out, taking technical, commercial, management, sustainability and Health & Safety issues into consideration
Assessment 38225-01 : Coursework : Coursework (100%)
Assessment Methods & Exceptions Assessments:
A report detailing the particulars of their placement and goal setting for the duration of the placement (5%);
A report on a project of a minimum of 6 weeks duration containing no more than 5000 words (50%);
A poster submission (40%);
4 quarterly training records on either a pre-determined University or Institute pro-forma (5%)

There is no mark attached to the module; students either pass or fail (<40%). Students will complete at least 45 weeks of placement. The mark does not form part of the overall weighted mean for degree classification.

Students must have completed Year 2 (Taught) of their degree before going on placement. Masters students may choose to complete Year 3 (Taught) before taking their placement but it must be before their final year of study.

The progression of students to Year in Industry will normally be dependent on the student obtaining all credits at the first attempt in the relevant year of study, and obtaining an overall weighted average greater than or equal to 55 % in all years completed at the time of applying for placements.

Students must have passed at least 100 credits in the relevant year of study by the start of the academic year in which the placement is being taken in order to sit the Year in Industry module (students are only able to defer or fail a maximum of 20 credits in the academic year prior to their placement).

All placement related assessments should be submitted and an overall weighted average of at least 40% (pass) achieved in order to successfully complete the module. The student placement should cover a minimum of 45 weeks and allow the student to develop as a professional engineer based on the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence and Commitment (UK-SPEC) in order to pass the year.

Within the inception report it asks the student to confirm submission of Health and Safety liability paperwork. Submission of this paperwork is a hurdle to passing the module.

Students unable to do this will need to transfer to the relevant non-industrial year programme
Reading List